Free download avast antivirus 2023

Download the most powerful anti-virus software Avast 2020

Download Avast from this article that many protection programs are widespread, but this program is one of the best programs in this field, as it is the best way to protect your device from viruses, whatever the specifications of your device.

Free download of avast antivirus

Download the free Avast program, install without Net

Download avast antivirus program, full version, no need for internet during installation, which is free for all portable devices, computers and mobile phones.

Avast is one of the best programs that protect your device from viruses, spyware, and hacks, and the avast program is a program that is available in two versions, a free version and a paid version.

Avast is characterized by its lightness and high speed in detecting viruses, spyware and protecting your computer from malicious programs. It also has the advantage of analyzing unknown files and programs before running them in order not to find a gap in your system and exploit it by one of the programs or harmful applications.

My personal experience after downloading Avast

 My device was suffering from the shortcut virus and as long as I tried many protection programs and tools to remove the shortcut virus, all my experiences failed until I downloaded Avast and installed the antivirus program Avast.

After completing the installation of the program, the device did a reboot, and after it worked again, many virus detection messages appeared to me, as the program discovered them very quickly.

And he reserved viruses so that I could choose to delete or repair them, and after the anti-virus finished finding viruses, I entered my computer to search for files that contain a shortcut arrow, and I did not find any of them.

It also reserves any program suspected of having viruses and can install programs that contain crack and make an exception for it from the scan from the antivirus settings.

Avast 2020 antivirus program features

  • After downloading Avast, you will find that it is free and easy to use
  • Supports many languages, including Arabic
  • Seize and delete viruses and malware 
  • Prevent the process of spying and hacking on your device
  • Search for weaknesses in the wireless network 
  • Protect your passwords from hacker
  • The program is light and does not take a large size of RAM
  • Supports all computer and mobile phone systems
  • Eliminate shortcut virus

Avast program download link

Official website for the program: Avast
Program size: 240m
Program license: Free + paid version

Download for Windows system

Download iTunes program
Download avast antivirus for the computer

Downloadable for Macintosh

Download iTunes program
Download Avast for Mac OS

For mobile download from the following article Download Avast best mobile antivirus

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