Download the latest version of obwhatsapp v43 whatsapp Omar blue pink maroon green
The download links below, under each image, there is a link to download the copy, after clicking on the link, the countdown will start, then click on the download link and do not forget to return to the smart site for free programs when you need to download WhatsApp Omar obwhatsapp
Badheeb presented a unique set of whatsapp omar, the latest update that garnered a lot of encouraging voices for her, and at the forefront of those copies was the WhatsApp version.
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whatsapp omar burgundy, and then other versions called WhatsApp Omar pink , which is a pink color directed to girls and then WhatsApp Omar blue and green.
WhatsApp Omar Badeeb, latest version of whatsapp omar
What is the WhatsApp Plus application whatsapp omar
WhatsApp Omar Badeeb all copies
1- Download Omar Al Annabi OBWhatsapp
WhatsApp Omar Al-Annabi
OBWhatsapp, the first version that appeared from this group, carried the burgundy color that is consistent with both groups of boys and girls.
When using it, you can keep the default appearance or change from it,Either by downloading a suitable theme from among the set of themes on the theme store in the copy or using the available colors And choose what you like to replace the old look.
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2- Download WhatsApp Omar Pink OB2Whatsapp
A version that features Whats Omar
pink that comes after the issuance of WhatsApp Omar pink,
which is the version loved by most girls and contains icons that suit their tastes and this is what made it their favorite version and adopted it as a special version for girls .
WhatsApp Omar pink OB2Whatsapp
This version comes after the burgundy version and carries the pink or pink color as some call it, known as WhatsApp girls, which is preferred by the majority of girls.
3- Download WhatsApp Blue OB3Whatsapp
WhatsApp Omar Blue OB3Whatsapp is the third version in the list bearing the attractive youthful blue color preferred by the majority of young people.
You can take advantage of it and enjoy complete privacy that was not available on the official version, through which you can hide your view of friends' statuses.
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4- Download Omar Badeeb green OB4Whatsapp
WhatsApp Omar green OB4Whatsapp
Here we have reached the latest version that appeared recently after several requests from the followers of the developer Omar Badeeb obwhatsapp to create a new copy in addition to the previous one, due to their need to activate a fourth number on their devices after they saw the benefit that they received when they used to copy WhatsApp Omar.
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Note: The fact that we have noted that Watts Omar Pink obwhatsapp and Blue may be suitable for one of the categories that we mentioned when introducing those copies.
This does not mean that they are exclusively for that category in and of themselves.
Rather, they are accessible to everyone. Icons that match the tastes of that particular category.
Features of all versions of WhatsApp Omar Badeeb
- Adding more protection against banning in WhatsApp Blue Age and other applications.
- Extending the lifetime of copies to more than 5 months from the date of their last publication.
- Adding the drop effects feature and adding new and different shapes to it.
- Add a proxy breaker that helps to counter any blocking process that may be imposed by some countries.
- Enabling conference calls to facilitate communication between family members and work crews.
- Add the option to multiple chats.
- You can now close the chat by swiping to the left without having to press the back button to the main interface.
- Add an option to prevent people from deleting their statuses for you to be able to view them all, even after deleting them.
- The ability to lock the application or conversations using a fingerprint, secret code, or pattern (pattern).
- Enable hiding secret conversations and isolating them from the rest of the conversations so that it is difficult for the rest to see them.
- Stop notifications of incoming messages from hidden conversations and prevent them from appearing with the rest of the notifications.
- Notify the user who is online on WhatsApp, the people who have followed up on his status, and who has changed his personal profile upon entering the network.
- Control the blue color of WhatsApp Omar, and chat wallpapers, through the set of colors that it provided to its users obwhatsapp.
- Add the feature of translating texts into different foreign languages.
- Add a group of fonts to the application.
- Adding new app icons and chat notifications to replace the basic icons.
- Add a new button to the chat interface that includes several options such as fancy text, explosive text, and text decoration.
- Adding a new icon on the chat screen (Quick Access Bar) in which the contacts on the chat list appear to move between conversations without having to return to the main interface.
- Added option to replace Whatsapp word with fixed user name and status.
- Possibility to install 30 conversations instead of 3 in obwhatsapp applications.
- Forward messages to an unlimited number of people without showing the phrase "Converted Message."
- Activate / deactivate the phrase "read more" attached to long messages.
- Other improvements and additions.

What is the difference between Watts Omar and the Gold Edition

When does the update to the latest version are required?
Omar WhatsApp is the latest update that was placed in our hands thanks to an Arab developer called Omar Badeeb
whatsapp omar Through the set of copies he provided, he was able to extract WhatsApp users from the application that was limited to limited features and restricted by certain rules to a smooth and flexible application in which all the features of the application can be described as ideal, if you will.
Why is it required to update WhatsApp Plus Omar Badeeb OBWhatsapp?
In order to be safe, because updating the application adds more security to your account. There has long been talk recently about a problem that exhausted users of WhatsApp Plus and occupied its developers, which is the temporary ban or the lifting of the ban on the WhatsApp number
that was affecting some of its users' accounts
And their work is frozen until the ban is lifted, which required swift intervention to control the situation before the problem worsened further and each copy lost its consumers who began to return to the original copy.
What's new in OB Whatsapp latest version
- The possibility of separating private group conversations separately.
- Enable sending group messages to groups as it is for individuals.
A new look for the floating button with the ability to hide or show it by entering Omar add-ons and going to the chat screen options.
Add a new option to change the color of notifications from who saw the status and changed his profile picture.
- Drag the conversation row for quicker access to additional options.
- Added a new fingerprint interface.
- Add a bottom bar for conversations at the bottom of the main screen.
Adding the night mode icon next to the internet covers icon on the main screen of Omar Al Annabi WhatsApp.
- The feature of changing and downloading the emoji type from the style to reduce the copy size.
- Add an option to see all deleted messages.
- Run additional mobile stickers.
- Add the option to use phone emoji.
Optimizing the arrangement of all age add-on options in a consistent way and suitable for all users.
- Enable the option to hide quick chats options.
- Improve the appearance of the WhatsApp Status Upload button and the Watch button.
- Fix the problem of downloading media from pictures, videos, and other files.
- Fixed status text disappearance when responding to a specific contact's status.
- Fix not showing themes on the server.
- Fixed the application crash problem when running the automatic reply and scheduled messages when switching the language to English.
- Other improvements and fixes.
Features of WhatsApp Omar Badeeb old version
- Complete privacy for whats omar users.
- Add new notification options to the notifications pop-up list, including who is online, who viewed your status, and contacts who have changed their profile picture.
- Auto reply to incoming messages in obwhatsapp apps.
- Preparation of scheduled messages.
- Add a proxy server to protect the application from any blocking process that some countries may impose on these applications.
- Adding the quick access bar that hears the switch between conversations without the need to return to the main interface of Omar Badeeb Al-Azraq.
- Add a transparent and night mode theme to replace the default mode.
- Flag a converted message immediately upon forwarding the sending.
- The ability to install more than three conversations on the main screen of Omar Badeeb pink WhatsApp.
- Forward messages to individuals and groups, the number may reach 1000 contacts or groups.
- The ability to respond to individual group members on private.
- The ability to download and copy temporary WhatsApp statuses with one click.
- Add new emoji, embossed text, and explosive text.
- Extending the life of the copy to more than 5 months.
- Activating cases such as instagrams.
- Drop effects options with cool new shapes.
- Reactivate @ Munchen, which shows you who mentioned you and made Munchen for you in groups.
- Add an option Who can add me on green WhatsApp groups.
- Delete messages on all parties.
- Improve copy speed and performance.
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